

Peerplays (PPY), the world’s first gaming block chain digital asset, conducted a roadshow in Losangeles, USA in April 28th. A group of academics, bankers, research institutions and investment institutions from home and abroad gathered together, and many politicians attended the event, a summit dialogue in the field of land applications.


On the day of the meeting, representatives from the United States, the United Kingdom, Kampuchea and other countries attended this meeting. The domestic block chain industry also attended. The impact of the lottery digital assets based on block chain technology on promoting the global economic development, from the academic, technical, economic and financial and other fields. There are numerous sparks, and the operation of gambling digital assets will be widely valued in the future.


路演现场,Peerplays(PPY)项目发起人Jonathan Baha’i先生就Peerplays(PPY)数字资产未来的商业应用以及项目进度做了详细的介绍。
On the road show, the Peerplays (PPY) project sponsor, Mr. Jonathan Baha’i, gives a detailed description of the future commercial applications and project progress of Peerplays (PPY) digital assets.
Jonathan Baha’i先生介绍说Peerplays(PPY)旨在利用区块链技术解决许多困扰行业已久的问题。
Mr. Jonathan Baha’i said that Peerplays (PPY) aims to solve many problems that have plagued the industry for a long time by using block chaining technology.
Other Peerplays de centralization applications currently under development include sports betting exchanges。
Peerplays(PPY)项目发起人Jonathan Baha’i先生表示,在接下来的半个月时间将会在全球各个国家召开发布会,正式全面推动Peerplays(PPY)在全球未来的应用布局。
The Peerplays (PPY) project sponsor, Mr. Jonathan Baha’i, said that the next half month will be held in various countries around the world to fully promote the layout of the Peerplays (PPY) application in the future.